Sunday, July 13, 2008

That damn Zombie

Try it for yourself.

I got 88%, but I'm not proud for what I've done.

Sundays and Sam Adams

It was a good day.

I worked all morning on the yard enjoying a nice July morn with temps in the 70's.

I got done with everything and went to the store. Brats and Burgers for supper.

This is where paradise ends.

On the way back from the store, I was slowed by two elderly old people. I use the two together not as a weakness of grammar, but to expound on their age. Death, if you're reading this, e-mail me. I have their address and I think they're avoiding you.

Anywho, they were doing 35 in a 55 mph zone. They'd slow down and the old man would point something out. The old woman would nod along like a spastic chimpanzee. The two lane was a little busy or else I would have gone by them in a flash of glory, or at least flashed them the middle finger.

Setting outside letting the sun bake my already sunburnt skull I started thinking about Mad Max. How easy things would be if it were a post-apocalyptical world. I would have just rode up beside them in a calm fashion, and simply taken off the old man's finger with my chainsaw gun. Problem solved, no more pointing.

Although, I would trade in the motorcycle/chainsaw combo for say a big truck with a missile system.

I also don't know about the leather pants. In a typical Kansas summer these could be wicked hot. Maybe trade it in for a pair of chaps and a studded cod-piece. That could chaff.

Chaos, how you can be such a fickle mistress.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th

The kids across the street are blowing stuff up.

It reminds me of the Vietnam vet that lived across the street from a friend of mine. Needless to say, they were both insane. My friend would light off a miniature black powder cannon he made. Fill it back up and wait. . .

because usually a few minutes after it went off, the vet would come outside and scream at him. Then the cannon would fire again.

The vet hit the ground, usually for a couple of minutes.

It makes me wonder with a fresh war out there and a lot of casualties, how many vets are hitting the ground freaking out now with fireworks overhead?