The forces of
Wal-Marx have done it again. I went to the store, not one of my prouder moments anticipating the purchase of a
Zune music player. I've been after this device for a few years, now the ducks are in a row, I've been a good boy for Santa, and the stars have aligned.
Wal-Marx site had the
Zune 120GB player $25.00 cheaper than at the store. I've been told by those who are in the
Wal-Marx know to bring proof of pricing from the
Internet and they will give you the Internet price.
Well, Mr. can't grow a beard but decided to take his
lipstud out for work to leave the open gooey hole told me that and I quote (notice the little marks)
"I'm sorry sir, we can not honor the online pricing in our stores."
This brought me to my first "huh?"
"But if you want it shipped here you can buy it for that price and it should be here for Christmas."
"So in other words, I could send it here online, come back, and get the same damn piece of merchandise here for the cheaper price . . . three days later vs. doing this now?"
The next part of the conversation has been tastefully deleted.
Listen folks. This is what cause the mess during Katrina, this is what's going on in the corporate world getting ready to crumble the economy, this is naked politics.
For some reason people have lost the ability to go from Point A to Point B and I'm about ready to start the bloody revolution over on aisle three.
Billy Lip Stud . . . bring a mop, because there will be the need for clean up.
Needless to say, If I wouldn't have stepped in there, walked across a frigid parking lot. etc, I still could have ordered the damn thing online and had it shipped to the house for less than what I still could have bought it there.
Rant over. . . getting too close to X-mas.