Saturday, January 23, 2010


Week one is over and done. The beauty of it is, I have no idea where I'm at in the contest. I guess the best thing about horror writing is the madness that follows attempting to get published. Thank you to all that have voted. Your words of kindness and backing are priceless. The judges are brutal, but that's how you become a better writer. I also think it's interesting how views change so drastically between people.

The scary thing is at some point, I need to write more. I posted some of my other novel ideas in discussions on the facebook page.
have a rough draft of one done in need of major revisions. My KU folk might remember it. I know my Wichita friends do.
Thanks, Injun Ninja Joe and Shanghi Bob.



Unknown said...

Congrats on making it this far!

I won the Dorchester Next Best Celler contest just two weeks ago. It was definitely a learning experience. It's still kind of unreal.

Every round of elimination, I was about ready to spew chunky Technicolor humiliation all over myself.

So, I know what you're feeling. Good LUCK!

Unknown said...

Wait, hold on! KU? Are you in Kansas?

Brian Johnson said...

Yep, Just outside of Wichita.