Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What the Hell?

I love this park. I used to run trails out there, take my daughter to the nature center, and eat lunch in the parking lot . . . to be close to nature people.

I guess the park has also became the equivalent of a meet up point for homosexual men. Not to go on a rant here, but come on, it's a PUBLIC PARK.

This used to be a problem at Oak Park and several other places around town. PEOPLE it's the age of the Internet. Figure out a private meeting spot and go there. Operative word in that last sentence is PRIVATE. The Wichita police received several tips that many people were meeting up in the park and decided to do a bust. Something of interest, they put their pictures on the John's and Hooker's website: Check it out:

They're the ones arrested at: 3228 N. Oliver.

It's an interesting site because you can see what meth does to people.

Anyway, I've known several gay people in my life. I believe that everyone has the right to follow their own ideals. Fine. What I have a problem with is if I'm walking in a park with my daughter and see this . . . well as Stan Lee said 'Nuff Said.



niaodian said...


Dawn Allenbach said...

I guess they figured Chisholm Creek would be secluded because of its naturalness. My former WSU advisor takes her classes out there for research and stuff. I love park.

Get a room, guys.

Brian Johnson said...

. . . and as you look to the left you see . . . OH MY GOD!


Dawn Allenbach said...

*falls out of wheelchair laughing*